You may already know that Meals on Wheels of Mercer County (MOWMC) provides hot, nutritious and medically-tailored meals to homebound adults each day.
Did you also know that we provide pet food for our participant's furry friends?
Seniors with pets are also more likely to have better physical and mental health. Pet ownership provides MOWMC’s participants - many of whom live alone - with comfort and companionship. Their cherished pets provide social and emotional support which can help reduce stress, loneliness and improve overall quality of life. Pets also keep them more physically active and many rely on their pet to live independently.
MOWMC realized that many of our homebound seniors were feeding their pets their own meals because they are unable to shop for them.
Sharing the only food they have is not good for the elder or their pet. This is why MOWMC has seen to these needs by providing free pet food along with the participant meal, so neither go hungry!
Our Pet Pantry helps keep seniors and their pets healthy, happy, and together.
Ways to Support the Pet Pantry
- Donate!
Include a note that you want your donation directed toward the Pet Pantry program.
- Create a fundraiser or pet food drive!
We can provide informational material for you to distribute.
- Donate pet food!
Canned dog and cat food is preferred. Please reach out to us for more specific item needs and arranging pick up or drop off.