
1. How can I volunteer with Meals on Wheels?

To volunteer with Meals on Wheels, please visit https://mowmc.mowscheduler.com/volunteerapplication to fill out an initial application. You can also email info@mealsonwheelsmercer.org or call (609)977-4153 for more information about delivering meals.

2. How can my business/group/organization volunteer with Meals on Wheels?

There are many ways you can help us out! We always welcome organizations to "Adopt-A-Route". When you Adopt-A-Route, the route will be NAMED for your company for one year!

We oftentimes have large-scale mailings that are perfect for groups, and any type of fundraising is always welcome. Crafting placemats and birthday cards are also welcome!

We also love new ideas! Please feel free to reach out to us at info@mealsonwheelsmercer.org or call us at (609)695-3483 to find out more.

3. What times are available for deliveries? 

We currently deliver Monday-Friday. Food is picked up at Rider University in Lawrenceville from 10:00-10:15am, and routes usually take anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour and a half. 

4. Are the routes safe? 

Our volunteers are the life of our program, and their safety is our top priority. We only send volunteers to areas that we know are safe for families and solo deliveries, and constantly keep up with the news as well as participants to keep our program safe.

5. What vehicle is used to deliver meals?

Volunteers use their personal vehicle to deliver meals. 

6. Do I have to go inside to deliver?

Some routes are exclusively houses, and some contain apartment complexes, which would mean going inside the apartment building for deliveries. Volunteers should not go into any homes unless you are comfortable doing so. We will always work with our volunteers to make sure that you feel comfortable on your delivery.


Receiving Meals

1. How do I sign up for meals?

Please visit https://www.mealsonwheelsmercer.org/meal-delivery-application to start the application process, or call 609-695-3483 to set up an over the phone intake.

2. Is there an income requirement to join?

No. There is financial assistance available based on monthly income.  

3. How many meals/times per day is delivery?

Delivery is once per day, Monday-Friday during the hours of 10:30am-1pm.  

4. Is this just for people who cannot afford food? 

The Meals on Wheels program is for any homebound individual who cannot shop or cook for themselves.  

5. Do I get to choose my meal from a menu?

Our menus are predetermined by the Chef and Registered Dietician.  They are diabetic friendly and no sodium added.  We offer therapeutic meals (i.e. Renal diet) and different textured options (such as pureed or chopped).  Participants do get to choose protein preferences.

6. Who prepares the meals?

Gourmet Dining, LLC - Rider University’s caterer.  


1. Where does my donation go?

All donations support the Subsidized Meal Program (SMP). While all meals are subsidized, 85% of our participants are at or below the federal poverty guidelines - which means they pay nothing for their meals. 

2. How can I donate to Meals on Wheels of Mercer County?

Please visit our website at www.mealsonwheelsmercer.org and click the 'Donate' heading.  You can also send a check or cash to 320 Hollowbrook Drive, Ewing NJ 08638. When donating online, please feel free to cover the 2.2% processing fee! 

3. Can I sign up for recurring gifts?

Yes - through the online donation page, you can select the option for Monthly, Quarterly, Bi-Annually or Annually for your recurring gift. 

4. How can my place of business get involved?

There are many opportunities to get involved:
-Facebook fundraiser
-Collection of gifts or gift cards for participants during the holidays
-Organize a personal care item drive
-Fundraising drive at your place of business for the subsidized meal program